Tuesday, June 7, 2011

top 5 tuesday: summer soundtrack

It's time for another rousing edition of Top 5 Tuesday. Today, I'm going to be sharing my Top 5 summer song picks. All of these selections are hand picked to be feel-good-get-you-up-and-jiving-ready-to-take-on-whatever songs.

Add these to your summer workout playlist, road trip/vacation mix, or set your alarm as one of these songs. You'll be toe-tappin' in no time! (click on each title to hear the song on Youtube!)

1. Rolling In the Deep by Adele. So good and the girl has got some KILLER pipes!

2. Every Teardrop is a Waterfall by Coldplay. Man, I love me some Coldplay. This new single doesn't fail to disappoint either. Oh, and don't let the title mislead you...it's not sad!

3. Knee Deep by Zac Brown Band featuring Jimmy Buffett. Yes, friends, I've included a COUNTRY song in the top 5 list. If you know me well, you'd know that I'm not a big country music fan...but this song is just so perfect for the summer!

4. Forget You by Cee Lo Green. Make sure you download the clean version or you will be not-so-pleasantly surprised. However, I really dig this cut!

5. Country Girl (Shake It For Me) by Luke Bryan. I know, I know...TWO country songs in the list. This is just a fun and ridiculously redneck song. I pride myself on not having a crimson neck and being rather city-fied, but I come from a long line of them. You can take the girl out of the country....

Honorable Mention: The Lazy Song by Bruno Mars. This song doesn't exactly inspire lots of action but it's still fun and happy. Note: This music video is a tad creepy. I don't like monkey things or people dressed as monkeys. Beware if you've got primatephobia.

Happy Tuesday!


  1. Did a top 5 inspired by you! http://kindlykate.blogspot.com/2011/06/top-5-tuesday.html ...Loving your soundtrack btw :)

  2. I love Knee Deep! I was singing it all week long at the beach!


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